Saint Davids House (Swansea) - 01792 472922
Werndale (Carmarthen) - 01267 225600
Morriston Hospital P.A - 01792 703172
WestWalesSpine treatment of back pain in South Wales
Mr. Navin P. Verghese
BSc.(hons), MB.BS(Lon), M.R.C.S(Ed), MSc., F.R.C.S(Tr & Orth)
Meet the team //
Within our team we work with several consultant anaesthetists who are an integral part of the spinal unit. They will visit you pre operatively to discuss your medical history, anaesthetic and any concerns you may have. Post operatively they will see you to discuss issues, i.e. with pain control.
Qualified: 1996
Specialty: Radiology
Specialist interest: Spine and Musculoskeletal Radiology, Cardiac Radiology
Current NHS Post: Consultant Radiologist ABM Health Board
Membership: Fellow Royal College of Radiologist | Member Royal College of Surgeons
Background Information:
Dr Dalavaye underwent Radiology training at Liverpool. He specialised in Musculo-Skeletal Radiology at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic hospital and Cardiac Radiology at Bristol heart Institute. Dr Dalavaye is specialised in all areas of Musculoskeletal Radiology including bone and joint, spine and soft tissue imaging using magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, computed tomography, fluoroscopy, and nuclear medicine. He also undertakes a range of musculoskeletal interventions and therapeutic procedures such as biopsies, joint therapeutic injections and facet and nerve root blocks. His particular area of interest is imaging of sports injuries.
Dr Suresh Kumar Dalavaye